Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This is a mind map created about question 6 relating to technologies. You are able to zoom in on the map and move about to see specific sections. If this does not load then there is a read only copy of this post available at

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Question 5: How did you attract/ address your audience?


Beach Scenes
November 29th 10:00am - 11:00am

  • Establishing shot pans down of the beach. (Carl & Jade) 
  • Pan across of the waves rolling in. (Carl & Jade) 
  • Crane shot up of the victim being dragged along the shoreline. (Carl & Jade) 
  • Close up of the Victim's feet. (Carl & Jade) 
  • Longshot of the victim being dragged along the beach. (Carl & Jade) 
  • POV of the victim drowning in the sea. (Jade) 

House Scenes
December 5th 7:00pm - 8:00pm

  • Establishing shot pans down of the party. (Jade, Theo, Jake)
  • POV of the man looking at the teenagers party. (Jade, Theo, Jake)
  • POV of the victim unknowingly looking at the antagonist. (Theo, Jake, Carl)
  • Close up of the victims feet dancing. (Jade)
  • Two shot of antagonist kidnapping victim (shadows). (Jade, Carl)
  • Over the shoulder shot of victim being placed in the boot of a car. (Jade, Carl) 
  • POV of victim in boot seeing the antagonist shut it. (Carl)
