The thriller opening sequence follows a rave taking place in outside with a large group of teenagers with one main girl, strobe lights and music but a strange abnormal man is seen in the background wearing all black and a hood. The interweaving narrative cuts to the hooded figure dropping the girl into a car's boot and then driving to the coast where he drags her body along the sand to the sea. It carries on cutting back to the party through certain sounds and the same camera angles. Finally, the girl is thrown into the sea.
The thriller opening sequence follows a rave taking place in outside with a large group of teenagers with one main girl, strobe lights and music but a strange abnormal man is seen in the background wearing all black and a hood. The interweaving narrative cuts to the hooded figure dropping the girl into a car's boot and then driving to the coast where he drags her body along the sand to the sea. It carries on cutting back to the party through certain sounds and the same camera angles. Finally, the girl is thrown into the sea.
Camera angle examples
Long shots of the beach scene where the tracks are followed and time is skipped.
Close up of girl's face cutting between the party and her dead body being dragged.
Over the shoulder shot of the man dragging the girl.
Two shot of villian and victim at the party.
Canted angle of dragging along sand.
P.O.V of dragging and car but but also partying.
Birds eye view which rotates into other situation.
The man is seen wearing all black clothes as this colour has connotations of evil, mystery and death.
The woman is seen wearing colourful party clothes which are mainly red.
Dress is covered in mud and blood because of the struggle which the audience do not see.
- A car and the use of its boot.
- Strobe lighting.
- Alcohol and food for the party.
The party is to be filmed outside in a garden.
We shall specify the beach nearer the time but it will probably be Cromer.
Party scenes will be shot at night.
Non-digetic sound includes a tense whining sound of strings such as the Batman Dark Knight opening sequence.
There will be no digetic sound as it will look much cleaner and add tension with no dialogic either because this is stereotypical of thrillers.
- One large, scary man.
- The victim who is a teenage girl.
- 8 party extras who are teenagers.
We will mostly be using the GoPro to film as P.O.V shots will look very clean and it is very easy to move around and allows us not to borrow a school camera. Also, we can use it in the sea to get good angles and it can be put on a pole to get obscure angles.
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